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직거래이용 도움 가이드
직거래장터 게시판
상  태 판매중
번  호 77658
제  목 Advantest Spectrum Analyzer
등 록 일 2021-01-21 오후 12:41:33
등 록 인 lee
연 락 처 01031224979
R4131D Advantest Spectrum Analyzer

The R4131D is a 3.5 GHz Spectrum Analyzer from Advantest. A spectrum analyzer measures the power of spectrums of known and unknown signals. Spectrum analyzers collect information such as the magnitude of an input signal compared to its frequency. As a frequency analyzer, spectrum analyzers’ main use is to document and analyze electrical input signals as well as spectral compositions of other signals.

Additional Features:

Frequency Range: 10 kHz - 3.5 GHz

Dynamic Range: -116dBm - +20dBm

Input Impeadance: 50 ohms

Resolution Bandwidth: 1 kHz - 1 MHz

Video Bandwidth: 10 Hz - 1 MHz

Residual FM: -80dBc

GPIB interface

The Advantest R4131D has a measurement-condition memory function which includes waveforms, an auto-recall function which recalls measurement conditions when power is switched on and other features to simplify operation. The R4131D features a maximum input sensitivity of -116 dBm, a dynamic range of 70dB and a skirt characteristics of -80dBc or better.
가  격 70