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직거래이용 도움 가이드
직거래장터 게시판
상  태 판매중
번  호 76480
제  목 GENRAD 1657 RLC
등 록 일 2020-12-29 오후 3:31:26
등 록 인 lee
연 락 처 01031224979
The GenRad 1657 RLC Digibridge is a full performance microprocessor-based instrument that measures passive components and devices. The GenRad 1657 RLC Digibridge is the lowest-cost member of the GenRad Digibridge family, offering a combination of accuracy, flexibility, and ease-of-use unequaled by any other low-cost impedance measurement instrument.


The GenRad 1657 is an excellent choice for engineering labs or small incoming inspection departments. The Digibridge provides many features usually found only in high-priced models.

0.2% accuracy for R, L, and C measurements

1 kHz and 120 Hz (or 100 Hz) test frequencies

Dual displays

Built-in Kelvin test fixture

Series and parallel measurement selection

Wide measurement ranges
가  격 30