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직거래이용 도움 가이드
직거래장터 게시판
상  태 판매중
번  호 76386
제  목 Micromanipulator 6000 Probe Station Factory Refurbished
등 록 일 2020-12-16 오후 3:36:05
등 록 인 lee
연 락 처 01031224979
6000 Micromanipulator Probe Station Factory Refurbished

Permanently planarized stage & vacuum chuck
Coarse & Fine stage translation controls X & Y
Fine & Fast Lift platen controls in Z
Independent microscope lift
Compound Microscope

Micromanipulator’s 6000 series is the most widely used probe station by any manufacturer. Compatible with Micromanipulator’s extensive line of probes and accessories, the 6000 series is very compact and economical making it an
excellent foundation on which to build a complete probing system.
This station is designed for the ease of use, stability and precision that you expect from a Micromanipulator probe station.
The Model 6000 station has both coarse and fine X-Y stage controls which allow the user to quickly move across the wafer but also precisely position the sample for exact probing. The fast pull-out stage with vacuum lock allows for fast and easy access to the chuck to load and unload samples.
The 1” x 1” x 2” (25mm x 25mm x 50mm) X-Y-Z microscope controls allow the user to view device structures and place widely placed probes under high magnification without moving the sample. The microscope may be mounted in a number of heights to accommodate structures of varying height. This 6000 has a compound microscope for high magnification of small wafer structures.

가  격 150